Eating for the planet: sustainable food choices

"But what about my beloved avocado toast?" Fear not, my friend.

BY STAFF @the Brimly Test Kitchen

May 15, 2023

Image Source/Editors @ Brimly

3 minute read
Suasive Tone
Feature Article
Personal view

Move over, beef! The age of bland, unidentifiable plant-based meat alternatives is upon us. And who needs the excitement of jet-setting veggies when you can stick to the same old local and seasonal options? Your taste buds will thank you for the mediocrity, and the planet will be: saved! Win-win, right?

Plant-based meat alternatives are all the rage

Are you tired of feeling guilty about your love for meat? The good news is that you don't have to give it up completely. With the rise of plant-based meat alternatives, you can indulge in your carnivorous cravings guilt-free. Products like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat have taken the entire world by storm, offering a delicious and sustainable alternative to traditional meat.

Not only are these meat alternatives better for the planet, but they're also better for your health. Plant-based proteins are typically lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than animal-based proteins, making them an excellent choice for improving overall health. And with the growing popularity of these products, you're sure to find them at your local grocery store or restaurant.

So, next time you're craving a burger or meatball, try a plant-based alternative. Your taste buds (and the whole planet) will thank you indeed!

Eating locally and seasonally is the way to go!

Do you know where your tasty food comes from? No? Well, it might be time to start paying attention, don't you think? Eating locally and seasonally not only supports local farmers and reduces carbon emissions from transportation but also ensures you're getting the freshest and most nutritious produce possible. Plus, it's a terrific way to explore new flavors and experiment with different recipes based on what's in season.

Another great benefit of eating locally and seasonally is that it ultimately forces you to get creative with your meals. No more relying on the same old ingredients year-round. Instead, you'll be forced to try new things and leave your culinary comfort zone. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good challenge? But let's remember the environmental benefits. By eating locally and seasonally, you're reducing the carbon footprint of your food by avoiding long-distance transportation. Plus, you're supporting local farmers who often use sustainable farming practices that are better for the planet.

Our round-up is:

So, opt for local and seasonal produce next time you're at the farmer's market or grocery store. Your taste buds (and your environment ) will thank you. And who knows, you just might even discover a new favorite fruit or vegetable you never knew existed! Now, I know what you might be thinking. "But what about my beloved avocado toast?" Fear not, my friend. While avocados might not be a local and seasonal option for everyone, there are still ways to make sustainable choices regarding this trendy food item. One option is to look for avocados grown using sustainable farming practices, such as organic or fair trade certification. Another option is to use avocado as a substitute for less sustainable ingredients in your recipes, such as mayonnaise or butter. So, there you have it. Two easy and delicious ways to make sustainable food choices. And who knows, you'll inspire your friends and family to do the same. After all, saving the planet can be deliciously entertaining.

Hey! We discussed Eating locally in more depth here. Check it out;

Grass-fed, nothing screams 'innovation' like Locally-Sourced.

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