Finding Value in the Overlooked – Veggies and All

A big win for the planet!

BY STAFF @the Brimly Test Kitchen

March 12, 2024

Image Source/Editors @ Brimly

4 minute Read

It's about embracing the scrappy and seeing beauty in the bruised.

In a world that's all about the latest superfood or exotic ingredient, we often forget about the simple stuff. Right there in our kitchens or at the local market, there are ingredients we walk by every day and don't notice. But here's the thing: these overlooked foods can be some of the tastiest, healthiest, and cheapest options out there. Today, we're all about finding those hidden gems and seeing how they can change the way we cook, save us money, and help the planet.

Imagine digging through your fridge and finding an old veggie you forgot about. You look up a recipe, give it a try, and bam, you've got a new favorite dish. Or what about finding a cheap cut of meat that turns out to be perfect for a slow-cooked stew? These discoveries are more than just fun—they show us the endless possibilities hiding in plain sight. I've had my fair share of kitchen experiments, and trust me, taking a chance on those underrated ingredients can lead to some amazing meals.

And it's not just about taste. Using all parts of an ingredient is a big win for the planet, too. Think about it: turning veggie scraps into homemade stock or using leftover bones for soup helps cut down on waste. Plus, it adds a ton of flavor to whatever you're cooking. It's a win-win. By making the most of every ingredient, we're not just cooking smarter but also making a small dent in the world's food waste problem.

Let's talk money. Everyone loves to save a bit where they can, right? Well, choosing those lesser-known ingredients can seriously cut down your grocery bill. Often, the veggies or meats we ignore are way cheaper than the popular ones. And honestly, they can be just as good—if not better. Like, using a cheaper cut of meat in a recipe that cooks slow and low can make it taste incredible. It's all about being open to trying new things and seeing the value in what we usually pass by.

Getting started with this is super easy. Just pick one new thing to try each week. You can find recipes online, ask friends for ideas, or just wing it and see what happens. The most important part is to have fun and keep an open mind. There's no right or wrong here, just a bunch of new flavors waiting to be discovered.

Our round-up is:

So, the next time you're out shopping or looking through your pantry, take a second to look at those ingredients you usually ignore. Giving them a chance might just lead you to your new favorite dish. It's all about exploring, saving money, and doing a bit for the planet—all at the same time. Who knew overlooked ingredients could be so exciting?

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