Because Who's in a Rush? The 'Magic' of Slow-Cooked Meals

Are you serious, slow-cooked?!

BY STAFF @the Brimly Test Kitchen

October 26, 2023

Image Source/ Editors @ Brimly

4 minute Read
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Slow cooking isn't just a method; it's a meditation on patience, revealing that true flavors, much like life's best moments, can't be rushed.

Okay, I'll be the first to admit – in this age of instant everything, it might seem a tad retro to champion the slow-cooked meal. With meal prep times touted in minutes and instant pressure cookers reigning supreme, why would I be talking about the beauty of slow cooking? Well, hang with me.

Now, about that 'magic'

Sure, "magic" is a strong word. But think about it. Remember that Sunday roast at Grandma's? The one where the smell alone would pull you into a warm embrace? It wasn't fast food. It was hours and love simmering together to create magic. Every bite was a dance of flavors, every taste a story of patience.

Alright, let's talk meat. Or beans. Or both!

One thing I've noticed about slow cooking? It's forgiving. That slightly tougher cut of meat? Given time, it turns tender and lush. Those beans you never know what to do with? They become creamy wonders in a slow cooker. And hey, toss in spices and some broth, and let the day take you where it wants. By dinner, you'll have a pot of pure, hearty comfort waiting.

Now, the skeptics in the room

"Yeah, but I can get that tenderness in a pressure cooker!" I hear you; I really do. I'm all for saving time. But while pressure cookers are about racing with the clock, slow-cooked meals are about romancing time. It's about letting flavors meld, meld, and meld some more until they've become a symphony.

Beyond the flavors – it's a mood

There's something inherently comforting about knowing a meal is brewing at its own pace. It's like that cozy feeling of listening to a vinyl record – it's not about the rush, it's about the experience. And in a way, slow cooking grants us permission to slow down, savor, and anticipate.

And to the multitaskers

Here's a shoutout. The beauty of slow-cooked meals is that while they take their sweet time, they require little babysitting. You can work, dance, nap, and basically live your day knowing that your meal is unhurriedly crafting itself into perfection.

Our round-up is:

Look, if you've never slow-cooked before, I get it. Diving into the world of "slow" in our "now" culture feels counterintuitive. But believe me, there's a particular joy in anticipation, in slow transformation, and in meals that taste like memories. Rediscover that magic. Your taste buds (and your soul) will thank you.

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