10 Great Decluttering Tips: Best Ways To Get Started

It's also about making space for happiness.

BY STAFF @the Brimly Test Kitchen

February 16, 2024

Image Source/Editors @ Brimly

4 minute Read

It's all too easy for our personal spaces to become a little... cluttered.

Life is like a busy picture where everything from chores to things we own gets all mixed up, making our rooms and minds crowded. But don't worry! Cleaning up is more than just about making more space in your room. It's also about making space for fun, creativity, and happiness. Here are 10 excellent tips to help you start cleaning up in a way that's easy, interesting, and even a bit magical.

1. Try the 'One Thing at a Time' Trick: Starting to clean up can feel overwhelming. Begin with something small like a drawer or a single item. This way, it's easier to handle, and you get to feel good about each bit you clean up.

2. Find Happiness in Letting Things Go: Hold something and ask yourself, "Does this make me happy?" like Marie Kondo suggests. If it doesn't, thank it for being a part of your life, and then let it go. This question turns cleaning up from a boring chore into a happy adventure of finding what really matters to you.

3. Use the 1-year Rule: If you haven't used something in the last 1 year, chances are you're probably not going to use it in the next 1 year; maybe it's time to say goodbye. This helps you keep only the things that are really useful or make you happy.

4. Give Everything Its Own Spot: Everything should have its place. When each item has a home, it's easier to find and keeps your space tidy.

5. Make Cleaning Up Fun: Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how much you can clean up before it rings. You can do this alone or make it a fun game with your family. It turns cleaning up into a quick, enjoyable break.

6. Follow the One-In, One-Out Rule: When you get something new, choose something old to let go of. This keeps your things in balance and stops your space from getting messy again.

7. Don't Forget About Digital Cleaning: Cleaning up isn't just about physical stuff. Organizing your computer files, getting rid of emails you don't need, and deleting apps you don't use can make your life simpler and clearer.

8. Make a Cleaning Up List: Write down small cleaning tasks and check them off as you go. This shows you how much you've done and keeps you motivated to continue.

9. Try the Closet Hanger Trick: Put all your clothes hangers the wrong way. When you wear something, hang it back the right way. In a few months, you'll see which clothes you really wear and which ones you can give away.

10. Have a Cleaning Up Party: Invite friends or family to help you clean up. You can swap items or give away things you don't need anymore. It's a fun way to clean up together and maybe even find something new to love.

Our round-up is:

Cleaning up is more than just organizing; it's a way to discover what's really important to you. With these tips, you're not just making your space cleaner, but you're also making your life more joyful and free. Remember, it's about making progress, not being perfect. Have fun cleaning up!

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