Is It Time to Switch Up Your Brew Routine? Rethinking Your Coffee Habit!

It was like discovering a new genre of music when you thought rock was all you needed.

BY STAFF @the Brimly Test Kitchen

December 11, 2023

Image Source/Editors @ Brimly

4 minute Read
Casual Tone

Yes, coffee's great, but it's like that friend who's a blast at parties but leaves you with a hangover. Too much caffeine can send your heart racing, make you jittery, and let's not even talk about the crash.

In the world of beverages, coffee reigns supreme, the caffeinated king of the morning ritual. But let's stir the pot a bit: is it time we give our unwavering loyalty to coffee a second thought? I'm here to suggest that maybe, just maybe, there's more to life than our habitual espresso or latte.

Sure, a steaming cup of coffee is like a warm embrace to start your day. I'm with you on that. Coffee is the cool kid of the beverage world, the high school quarterback that everyone adores. But let's not overlook its less celebrated, yet equally deserving, counterparts. They might not have the same bold aroma or the jolt of caffeine, but they have their own unique charms.

My journey of diversifying my brew began, as most things do, by accident. One morning, out of coffee beans and desperately in need of a warm drink, I reached for a neglected box of green tea. It was a revelation. The tea was subtle, a gentle wave of warmth and flavor, vastly different from coffee's robust and assertive presence. It was like discovering a new genre of music when you thought rock was all you needed.

Exploring beyond coffee has been like a treasure hunt. There's the earthy richness of matcha, offering a caffeine kick wrapped in a blanket of calm. Then there's the delicate floral notes of chamomile tea, a soothing companion for those late-night reads. Each one, like coffee, has its own personality, its own moment where it shines brightest.

Let's talk about the art of making these alternatives. Brewing tea or infusing herbs can be as ritualistic and satisfying as making your favorite coffee. There's a rhythm to it, a sense of slowing down and savoring the process. It's not just about the drink; it's about the act of creating something for yourself, of taking a moment to breathe.

But let's not forget the coffee enthusiasts who might be reading this with a skeptical eyebrow raised. I'm not suggesting you abandon coffee. Oh no. Coffee is and always will be a beloved classic. What I'm advocating is a bit of variety, a spice of life in your beverage repertoire. It's about not getting stuck in a rut, about keeping your taste buds guessing and excited.

Our round-up is:

In the end, it's about balance and curiosity. It's about not letting habit dictate your choices. So, next time you're standing in front of your coffee machine or staring at the menu of your local café, dare to try something different. Who knows? You might just find a new favorite.

As for me, I still think a hot cup of coffee rocks. But now, I firmly believe that a great cup of oolong or a refreshing iced herbal brew can still rock just as much. And that, my friends, is the beauty of not limiting your choices to the familiar. Because in the world of drinks, just like in life, variety isn't just the spice – it's the whole darn feast.

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